Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Were Pregnant!!!!

After, 8 months of trying to get pregnant. It felt like forever and even longer than 8 months. But, once we got my prolactin levels down. We got pregnant extremely quickly. The baby is due April 5, 2014. Please pray for a healthy pregnancy and birth. I take being pregnant very seriously, and I try my best to eat healthy and drink lots of water.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Autism and Aidan

We are on a road to seeing if Aidan has autism. Aidan has a rough time talking, communicating his wants and desires. He has never told me he feels sick, he never acts sick even when his temperature is 103. He refers to play alone and has no imagination. He went through a long stage of hating water... now he seems to warming up to the idea. He has no fears...he is a dare devil to the extreme.

With all of our concerns. He is the silliest, brightest child I have ever seen. He can sing in perfect tune and color so beautifully that you wonder if he a two year old has really colored the picture he made. He loves his Pop Pop a name he has made for my Dad all on his own. He loves flowers and when he prays he all says is, "Flowers Amen." He loves animals, I almost think he prefers animals over people. He loves fish and the ocean. Most of all he LOVES trains and airplanes. He is all boy that is beyond true more than any of his difficulties. He may have autism, but he is perfect just the way God made Him. Aidan is love of our lives.

On Aidan good days, we see a glimpse of what is inside him. He is full of humor and love and kindness. He has this passion for books and counting. I know most people would be concerned, we are, but I see it has a good trait. Even though we go through a rough times with communicating and talking. I wouldn't trade it for the world. He is our baby and some people might not want accept him. But, that there loss and it sadness me to know that people haven't taken the time to get to know him, and learning to how to work with him.

We are in the process of getting Aidan evaluated. We are going to Marcus Autism Institute July 25th. Hoping and praying that it will go smoothly and we will get the 3rd appointment for the diagnoses appointment.


Trying to Get pregnant

I never would have thought that I would be saying this. Drew and I are having a hard time getting pregnant with number two. I know, I have never healed right after having Aidan. I never thought I would be thinking that Aidan might be our only child. I'm thankful and blessed to have Aidan in our life. Drew and I both believe that God sent Aidan to us to get us back on the right direction.

Growing up I had a passion for mission trips. I spent the majority of my teenage years on mission trips each summer. They weren't the one week trips they were all summer long far away from home without anyone I knew. I know mot people may not picture me starting conversations with strangers. I have hard time talking with my friends. I had a heart for the lost and helping others. God always lead to sign to a deaf or hard of hearing person. I would sign and help them hear the love of Jesus. They were always amazed that God, accepted them and loved them. If someone told you I became pregnant out of marriage. They would most likely laugh and say, your joking right. They would walk away in disbelief. I had a strong foundation. But, I let the world break me down.

I had a firm foundation with only the help of God. I relied on Him with every breath I took. He was and is my best friend. I was lonely has a teen, but God Himself brought me out of some tough times. Even though I spent summers away, at home, I was lonely. I remember those trips something transformed me. I became a different person. I recall those times with a smile and tears. You see, I think I have painted a good picture of who I once was before I came home from Africa. Coming home was culture shock. I went from having nothing. My one friend here at home changed. She didn't want anything to do with me. To this day, I really don't know what happened between us. We both said and done things  I will forever regret. I lost a friend someone who I called my sister, my other half. I went through a very dark place. The darkest place, I have ever been in my life. During that dark time, I met Drew the love of my life and my best friend. He would tell you that I am not the person I was when we dated. We only knew each other for barely 6 months, before I became pregnant with Aidan. Now, Drew had become a Christian and Father and Husband. He has transformed so much that if someone saw him from high school or even family he hasn't seen in awhile they won't recognize him. I give ALL THE GLORY AND PRAISE TO GOD.

We went from not wanting wanting a family. Now, that we have become parents. It's hard not to imagine not having anymore. I hope and pray that has we go down the path of  fertility drugs and maybe seeing a fertility specialist along down the road that hopefully God would bless us with more children. Were praying and trusting in Him. At times, I almost feel selfish for wanting more. I know some friends are struggling with getting pregnant and adoption. Drew has even said that we can adopt one day if we truly can't have any more.  I ask for prayers for direction for our family. This little family has had a rough start, we are stronger together more than we have ever been.

Sincerely, \
Vanessa Cannon

Friday, February 15, 2013

Wondering Paths: College

       It has been seven years in running, that I have tried to go to college. Something has always prevented me of going. It is my deepest desire to go and get a degree in something. I long to achieve this for so many reasons. I pray that this will one day happen. I pray that it God's will for me and my family. I really do think it is because this desire burns so deep within me. I went to school for the first time in the summer of 2012. For many reasons, I had to stop going. I regret that decision so much. I will not let not easy circumstances let me quit.
     I struggle in school and I didn't receive a very good education in high school. Right now, I'm trying to find resources and ways to pass the Compass test. It is a entry level test to see if you need remedial courses. I hope with the changes that are being made in our economy will not prevent me from going to college. I can't afford college and I will need help financially.

    This is my dream. I want to hold on to my dream so that my child and hopefully children will learn that in spite of hardship and struggle anything is possible. That goals and dreams are important and you can't let people or programs make your life has you want it. I want to free my self of any government help.

     I want to get a two year degree in Sign Language Interpreting. I also would love to get a degree in writing and research. The second degree would be more of a hobby. I want to ultimately would love to teach children and toddlers how to communicate through Sign Language. I have let circumstances and people speak for me. I've given up without a fight. I ask for prayer, has I try go through this long process of going to college. It may take years for me to accomplish this goal.

      Please join me in prayer. I'm going to need prayer. Pray to help me retain what I learn. Prayer that going to college will happen. Prayer that financially going to college will come through. Prayer that God will continue to guide my future. I'm going to need lots of help emotionally, mentally and assistance in many various ways. Also, I need prayer in getting a ride to college. Drew and I only have one vehicle. So, this is going to difficult to work out.

Sincerely In Christ,


Thursday, February 14, 2013

Growing Paths: Aidan

      Aidan is 28 months old today. I can't believe he is almost two and a half years old! A lot has been going on these past few months. Aidan has fallen in love with trains, cars and airplanes. I love his fascination with "oom" has he calls them.

Aidan also have fallen in love with flowers, butterflies and cats. I love this sweet side of him. He loves to look at flowers.

He is so easily excited and he jumps everywhere. I love his passion for things he has fallen in love with. I hope that the love he has for trains and other things will transcend, into loving God and knowing Him has his personal Father and Savior. This is my prayer for Aidan has for any person or child. I pray that when he looks at the flowers that he sees God's beautiful work and beauty that was taken into that flower or butterfly.

Above all my prayer that Aidan will see that God made him perfectly. I pray that specially for Aidan, because Aidan has some sensory and social concerns. Were not sure what is going on if anything at all. I hope and pray that whatever happens that it would be in God's hands.

Sincerely In Christ,


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Following your Heart

Sometimes, you have to give up something you have come to rely on. I have deleted my Facebook account for good. It has been one of the most difficult and life changing things, I have ever done emotionally. I have severed friendships that was made from my past. Friendships that was built over mission trips, old youth groups and churches. Sadly, it has became the norm to keep up with friends and family on Facebook. 

I will miss keeping in contact with friends. I'm sure many people will wonder why. I value not waking up 1st thing in the morning and "checking" Facebook. I would rather pray and seek God in the morning than checking Facebook. I knew God was telling to get rid of my idol. My idol was Facebook. I knew that God was telling something. I have ignored Him before, I knew that this time I would not allow myself disobey Him again.

I am glad to say good bye to Facebook. And, I say hello to this new free world from Facebook and the drama it brings!!

Sincerely In Christ,


Proverbs 3:3-4 
Let not steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you; bind them around your neck; write them on the tablet of your heart. So you will find favor and good success in the sight of God and man. (ESV)